
Showing posts from May, 2021

May 21,2021

 Ap language/comp is not a class where you can just pass because it language and you think it’s easy. Every grade you get is what you earn. Come to class everyday because you mostly will miss out on learning something important. And, if you miss a day catch up with your teacher or friend so you won’t be left behind. Participate and ask questions if you aren’t sure of something . Always write notes in class. Also make sure you pay attention when learning the steps of writing certain essay.Do all the assignments once giving because it will catch up to eventually.

May 20,2021

 Today was a short class period. At first we went over the ap exam. It’s crazy that I took it a week ago and don’t even remember the prompts .But,Then we worked on our PowerPoint. PowerPoint was pretty easy to do.

May 18,2021

 Today went by fast. We talked about part two of our final exam , which was about college research. I already knew what school I have my head on . But, I still found out more information about the school and my major/ career  from this research project.

May 17,2021

 Today we went over a part of our final exam. It was about our careers for the future. Our teacher just went over how to find the answers on a website .We have to do a research on our careers and answers some questions.

May 14,2021

Our teacher gave us a question to answer :how can the class be improve?  Honestly can’t answer this question because I wasn’t in class everyday but when I did attend I just didn’t like the long lesson sometimes it would be draining sometimes.

May 12,2021

 On Wednesday we took the ap exam . The multiple choice was ok . The essay was pretty good ,some of the topics I knew about ,so I got to put a lot of information from my knowledge instead of just using the text they gave us.

May 13,2021

 We didn’t have class today . So, instead I went to work , and it was a pretty good day.

May 11 2021

 Short class period .It was a chill day. We went over things for the ap test .

May 10 2021

 Today class was good. Mostly talked and discussed the ap exam 

May 7

 Short class today.We worked on ap classroom , answered multiple choice questions.

May 6

 Didn’t have class this day but I did take my ap exam for US history . The test wasn’t bad at all , just got tired of writing close to the end.

May 4,2021

 Didn’t really do much today . Mostly read a passage in class today.

May 3,2021

 Simple class period today. Worked on ap classroom, did multiple choice questions